The Philippine Medical Society (PMA)  celebrates its yearly Medicine Week on September 23-29, 2012.  As a duly licensed and registered physician and a practicing pediatrician, I am duty bound to uphold the advocacy of the society to promote health and improve services to the entire Philippine nation by providing excellent and effective healthcare. Likewise, I am renewing my Hippocratic Oath and strengthening my faith by reciting this prayer to the One Above who gave me this TALENT  so that I may perform my calling of being a PHYSICIAN/PEDIATRICIAN to all, regardless of age, sex or creed.



Dear Lord, You are the Greatest Healer,
All life and health comes from You;
Without Your blessing and Your grace,
There is nothing I can do.

I thank You for this noble role,
My service unto Thee;
Stand by me with my patients,
'Til the work is done daily.

Give me knowledge, wisdom and skill,
To do the tasks at hand;
Provide the best care needed,
For each person's best interest, stand.

Let me lend a helping hand,
To those who cannot pay;
Bringing good health to all,
Send them fit for homeward's way.

Protect with Your mighty angels,
Those under my care;
When their need of me is greatest,
May I always be there.

When my zeal is at its lowest,
Tiredness meeting me at every turn;
May You then be my healer,
Renewed joy and vigor earn.

All these I ask from You Lord,
That I may a good doctor be;
That in my life as a physician,
May they see You in me.

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